Acupuncture is Effective
Acupuncture originated over 5000 years ago.  It is based on Yin-Yang balance and five elements theories to stimulate
the points with needles along the Jin-Luo (meridian) to help correct imbalances and re-direct the flow of the Qi (energy)
smoothly in the body,in order to heal and reenergize the patient.

Acupuncture is Safe
According to reports sponsored by US Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health,
acupuncture has minimal or no side effects, but is effectivefor the healing of pain and many other type of diseases. In
addition, in 1996, the FDA approved the use of acupuncture needles by licensed practitioners, a move that has
resulted in more widespread and increased use of acupuncture to treat many conditions.

Sun Simiao ( AD 581-682), a very well recognized Traditional Chinese Medicine physician, lived for 101 years. His
books have been translated into many languages. His ethical code is similar to the Hippocratic Oath. He treated all
patients alike, rescuing those at death's door no matter whether they were powerful or humble, rich or poor, old or
young, beautiful or ugly, resentful relatives or kind friends, Chinese nationals or foreigners, fools or wise men. He
declared that life was of the utmost importance and even one thousand pieces of gold couldn't suffice to buy it.

As a very experienced acupuncturist, Dr. Xin Hu has helped thousands of visitors to improve their quality of life.  She
has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture in both China and the United States for more than 20 years.
Good Doctor Partnership
Dr. Hu feels strongly in developing a strong and trusting relationship with each of her patients, one of mutual respect
and consideration.

" The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the care human frame, in diet, and in the
cause and prevention of disease."
                                    --------- Thomas Edison
Lake County Acupuncture Clinic
1343 N Western Ave.
Lake Forest, IL 60045

(847)482-9388    (847)877-3281(cell/text)
Lake County Acupuncture Clinic
                           A Traditional Chinese Medical Clinic
                                      Each of Us Must Take Responsibility
                          For More of Our Own Health & Well –Being Issues

Over the last two decades, acupuncture has grown significantly in popularity in the United States.  A natural method of
healthcare, it is often used in conjunction with conventional methods and has been proven effective as a way to
strengthen the immune system, manage pain and treat a variety of illnesses and medical conditions.  Chinese medicine
and acupuncture offers a solution to many people with health problems that are not responding to western techniques or
for patients who are interested in trying a more natural and less invasive techniques to improve their health.  And
because of its focus on the whole body, mind, and spirit, traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture often leads
to dramatic improvements in people’s lives and basic health.  

Below are a few reasons to come to the Lake County Acupuncture Clinic:
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