*In July of 2006 after suffering sudden hearing loss and tinnitus I was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease. Those were the Major symptoms until September of 2007 when I began having vertigo episodes. They continued several times a week and after seeing a specialist with no relief, my internist referred me to Dr. Hu, I began seeing her in November for acupuncture treatments and within the month they subdued. Several months later I had a couple more spells. I returned to Dr. Hu for additional treatments which once again suppressed my vertigo. Nancy |
*Dear Dr.Hu, I cannot thank you enough for helping me with my asthma,I was seriously ill. I felt my health was spiraling downhill in a vicious cycle. Every fall until spring my asthma would take over my life.First it would seem like bronchitis only to lead into a pneumonia type of illness that would be finally controlled after months of illness by prednisone, The prednisone eventually hurt my digestive system.That damage would even worse my acid reflux which would trigger my asthma to start up all over again. I was so sick and the attacks was lasting longer and longer. I would just wait for summer like weather. I thought I would have to leave my family and move to south from fall until late spring as the last steps to survive. However, you changed this terrible illness. I came to you 2 years ago and now have it under control.Your treatments and teas made adifference in my life.I cannot thank you enough. Mary |
*Dr. Hu, I can't thank you enough. As a chronic psoriasis sufferer I dreaded the long winter months when the itching and scaling always get worse. Your approach, using traditional Chinese Medicine, stopped the psoriasis. I would highly recommend your treatment. Keep up the good work. Eric |
*Dr. Hu, Over the years, I have tried numerous remedies for my allergies. Really don't like taking pills and their drying side effects. Your approach with using Traditional Chinese Medicine, a combination of acupuncture and herbal teas is extremely effective. Easy breathing without the pills. Would definitely recommend this approach to those with allergies. Thanks so much. Eric |
*I experience frequent headaches and sinus problems due to allergies. I was tired of constantly taking over-the-counter medication, I started going to Dr. Hu as an alternative way to treat both problems. After a couple of months acupuncture, my headaches and sinus problems are all but gone. Dr. Hu is also giving me an acupuncture facelift. Every time I leave her office, not only do I fell great I look years younger. All with no surgery or medication. I would highly recommend Dr. Hu to anyone who is thinking of checking out the benefits of acupuncture. Camille |
*I had suffered from pain in my hands caused by cubital tunnel syndrome for years and years and had seen other acupuncturists, hand surgeons and chiropractors and been treated before, but the pain persisted until I went to see Dr. Hu. Her treatments worked from the beginning and I am now pain free. She is not only technically adept, she is one of the most understanding and compassionate doctors I have seen. My condition does require me to come back from time to time and get rebalanced through acupuncture, cupping and moxibustion, and Dr. Hu is always there for me, not only through the treatments but also through her advice on living a balanced life and the wonderful herbal teas that she customizes for her patients. While I still see my regular internist and other specialists as needed, I don't feel my healthcare would be complete without the addition of Dr. Hu and her treatments. Shannon |
*Hi Dr.Hu, I just wanted to give you a testimonial in regard to how much you have helped me with a shoulder problem & migraine headaches.Your treatment of the shoulder problem with acupressure, acupuncture,exercises,&herbal medicines enabled me to avoid shoulder surgery.This was becoming my only option after many physical therapy sessions.Following this success I worked on migraine headaches which I have had since I was a very young child. Thanks to you, I can see the end in sight with this very painful condition. Your knowledge and patience supported me through these times.It should be mentioned your goal was always foremost to help me,hence you were very generous with your time.THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! Sincerely, Mindy |
*“I reached out to Dr. Hu for various reasons. Some of the obstacles I was dealing with were ADD, obesity, high blood pressure, insomnia, and substance abuse.After several attempts to cure myself of these symptoms with several doctors, I was anticipating more of the same. My treatments were not what I thought they would be. I could barely sit through a 10 minute session, let alone 1 to 2 hours.With Dr. Hu's assistance, I have lost 30 pounds, controlled my ADD and continue my sobriety. I can now sit through 1 to 2 hour treatments, on my way to losing more weight, and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Hu has helped to change my life. I praise her talents and recommend her highly. Sincerely, David. " |
Dr.Hu in the local news. http://triblocal.com/lake-forest/community/stories/2011/09/an-introduction-to-xin-hus-wellness-acupuncture |